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1 Introduction
 1.1 General aims
 1.2 Installation

1 Introduction

1.1 General aims

The GAP package glabella provides a low level interface to software that can compute automorphisms, isomorphisms and canonical labellings of graphs. The graphs can be directed or undirected, and a vertex colouring can be specified. Duplicate edges between vertices are ignored.

These interfaces do not intend to be feature rich and user friendly. They are targeted to experienced GAP users and package authors, who can use them for their specific classes of graphs and other discrete mathematical structures, without the neccessity of compiling C and C++ codes.

For more specialized algorithms and methods of the theory of graphs, we recommend the packages Digraphs [DBJM+19] and GRAPE [Soi19].

In the present version of the package, we have access to the following solvers:

1.2 Installation

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