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3 Full points and perspectivities
 3.1 Full points of unitals
 3.2 Group of perspectivities
 3.3 Embedded dual 3-nets and full point regularity

3 Full points and perspectivities

3.1 Full points of unitals

3.1-1 FullPointsOfUnitalsBlocks
‣ FullPointsOfUnitalsBlocks( u, b1, b2 )( operation )

Returns: The list full point of u w.r.t. the blocks b1,b2. The arguments b1,b2 are either blocks of the unital u, or indices of blocks in BlocksOfUnital( u ).

According to the paper [KSS18] by Korchmáros, Siciliano and Szőnyi, the point P is a full point of the unital U w.r.t. the blocks b_1,b_2 if P is not contained in b_1 or b_2, and, the projection with center P from b_1 to b_2 is a well-defined bijection.

3.1-2 FullPointsOfUnitalRepresentatives
‣ FullPointsOfUnitalRepresentatives( u )( attribute )

Returns: A list of records r containing the fields r.block1, r.block2, r.fullpts, where r.fullpts is the set of full point of u w.r.t. the blocks r.block1, r.block2. The returned list contains all possible full points of u up to the automorphism group of u. That is, if P is a full point w.r.t. the blocks b_1,b_2, then there is an automorphism \alpha of U such that P^\alpha, b_1^\alpha, b_2^\alpha are in the list.

3.2 Group of perspectivities

3.2-1 PerspectivityGroupOfUnitalsBlocks
‣ PerspectivityGroupOfUnitalsBlocks( u, b1, b2[, fullpts] )( operation )

Returns: The group generated by perspectivies from block b1 to block b2 of the unital u. Notice that the returned group consists of permutations of [1..Order(u)+1]. A list of full points can be given as 4th argument. It is not checked if the elements of fullpts are full points.

Perspectivities between blocks b_1, b_2 of an abstract unital U are projections from b_1 to b_2 from a center P. In order the perspectivity be well-defined, P must be a full point w.r.t. b_1, b_2.

3.3 Embedded dual 3-nets and full point regularity

3.3-1 EmbeddedDual3NetsOfUnitalRepresentatives
‣ EmbeddedDual3NetsOfUnitalRepresentatives( u )( attribute )

Returns: A list of lists each having the form [ b1, b2, b3 ], where b1, b2, b3 are three blocks of the unital u forming an embedded dual 3-net. The returned list contains all possible embedded dual 3-nets of u up to the automorphism group of u. That is, if the blocks b_1,b_2,b_3 form an embedded dual 3-net, then there is an automorphism \alpha of U such that b_1^\alpha, b_2^\alpha, b_3^\alpha are in the list.

3.3-2 LatinSquareOfEmbeddedDual3Net
‣ LatinSquareOfEmbeddedDual3Net( u, ed3net )( operation )

Returns: A latin square associated to the embedded dual 3-net ed3net of the unital u.

3.3-3 IsFullPointRegularUnital
‣ IsFullPointRegularUnital( u )( property )

Returns: The boolean true if the unital u is full point regular, false otherwise.

The unital U is said to be full point regular, if for each non-intersecting pair of blocks b_1, b_2 the triple (U, b_1, b_2) is full point regular.

3.3-4 IsStronglyFullPointRegularUnital
‣ IsStronglyFullPointRegularUnital( u )( property )

Returns: The boolean true if the unital u is strongly full point regular, false otherwise.

The unital U is said to be strongly full point regular, if for each non-intersecting pair of blocks b_1, b_2 the triple (U, b_1, b_2) is full point regular.

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