
Low level interfaces to graph automorphism and canonical labelling tools

Version 0.33
Released 2021-03-17

This project is maintained by Gábor P. Nagy

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The glabella package

This package provides a low level interface to softwware that can compute automorphisms, isomorphisms and canonical labellings of graphs. Recently, the following programs are avaible:

The glabella package uses external binaries and GAP kernel modules, and therefore a complete installation only works on UNIX systems or systems that support a UNIX-like environment, e.g. OS X, Windows with Cygwin, or WSL2.

On the package website precompiled binaries are available for certain environments. To compile the package, change to the /pkg/glabella* directory of your GAP installation and then call

./configure <path>

where is a path to the main GAP root directory; so normally you would call

./configure ../..

(the ../.. is the default and so may be omitted) and then call


to compile the binary.

Now start GAP and type


to load the package. You will see the package banner. If you have not compiled the external binary, you should receive a warning.

For details on how to use the glabella package see the package documentation in the doc subdirectory (view its HTML version or manual.pdf via a PDF viewer).



For questions, remarks and issues please use the issue tracker.

Plans and TODOs


glabella is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Version 2 of the GNU General Public License. For details see the file LICENSE.


This package uses open source components of the GAP packages Digraphs and NautyTracesInterface. You can find the source code of its open source project along with license information on their websites.